Paul Gardner Veterans Pain Relief Foundation
Meeting Minutes June 18, 2013
Held at Yellowstone Naturopathic Clinic

Present:  Dr. Margaret Beeson, Colleen Nichols, Casey Elder, Dr. Patricia Holl, George Blackard, and Claire Gardner by phone.

Absent:  Dr. Michael Metzger
Guest:  Kathy Toney, YNC Administrator
Called to order:  09:00 MST

George Blackard met with the new director of the VA in Montana.  It was an invite only with approximately 10 people in attendance.  They had a frank discussion about problems with the VA system.  George will follow up with a letter to the Director and talk to Representative Daines.

Colleen Nichols presented the financial reports.

Casey Elder asked for a pricing package for the veteran’s information for our Pain Program.  George suggested that at the next Legion Post meeting that he and Casey suggest a percentage of their fundraising should be dedicated to our foundation.

Casey Elder does a fundraiser at her gym in September and wants to direct the funds for our foundation.  The event is to be held on September 13, 2013.

Logo – Discussion was held on the potential new logo.  Consensus was that everyone liked the new logo.

There was discussion about ideas for the brochure.

Website – there was discussion regarding domain name choices.  The consensus was to go shorter with the name.  Colleen will work with Deanna to find out more information on the possibility of taking donations through the website.

The board members are asked to write a bio as to why they are on the board for the website.  Deanna and Claire will work on Paul’s information for the website.

Pilot Program – Dr. Beeson talked about starting a pilot program of 10 veterans to put through the entire program so we can collect some data.  The goal of this program would be to assess our program and be able to submit data to the VA.  Claire will send some form to us for tracking data.  As far as selecting patients for the pilot, it was suggested to look for specific diagnoses.   It was suggested to meet with Dr. Burroughs from the VA to discuss ideas on selections for the pilot program.

George informed the board that the Legion Post has a book signing coming up where we could possibly raise some funds for this pilot program.  There also is a Post golf tournament for potential fundraising for the program.  George will look into this.  Both fundraisers are in July.

Dr. Holl will be speaking to Red Lodge, Columbus, and Absarokee veterans and asked for any materials we may have ready to go.

Commitment form – Casey will get us a copy of the VA Compliance form that states if you miss 2 visits you will be dropped from the program.  It was agreed we need to have some form like this.  Colleen suggested the possibility of getting an intern to compile the data from the pilot program.  Kathy Toney will look into the possibility of getting an intern.

Next meeting tentatively set for July 23rd, 2013 at 9 AM MST.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM MST

Minutes respectfully submitted by _________________________________

Colleen Nichols

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